venerdì, aprile 28, 2006

Riviera No Kaze: Genova "la Superbe"

Questo link l'ho trovato per caso. Il blog è interessante, le foto che contiene sono bellissime, da vedere!
Per le foto di Genova e i commenti, ringrazio gli autori del blog :)

Riviera No Kaze: Genova "la Superbe"

1 commento:

Lulu ha detto...

I was very happy to read your message on my website.
I am sorry, i don't speak italian but i really enjoy your country. Genova is almost my favorite towns ( Genova is close to my town Nizza)it reminds me Marseille but, honestly, Genova is far more beautiful ! I like your old city, the palaces, the old houses, your new harbor is pretty fantastic and the commercial streets are lovely. i never forget to visit "la trattoria de maria" each time i go to your city...
Congratulation for your blog, i like your pics, i will put a weblink on my Genova Page soon !